Thursday, February 8, 2024

SVN Quick Reference

 this is a short summary for my reference based on the great official tutorial at:

Basic Work Cycle (

Check out a working copy from a repository

$ svn checkout -r 1234 url://repository/path

Update Your Working Copy

%svn update    #this will download latest version file from repository to local working copy
#NOTE: will overwrite any local changes not commited?

%svn up -r 1234        #Checkout a specific revision from SVN

Make Your Changes

%svn add <file>
%svn delete <file>
%svn copy <file>
%svn move <file>
%svn mkdir <dir>

Changing the Repository Without a Working Copy

#not interested in this at this stage

Review Your Changes

%svn status    #only show the local files different from local checkouted version in repository
#Note: even without internet work, svn can still show the changes, this is because svn keeps an origianl file in local.
%svn status stuff/fish.c        #If you pass a specific path to svn status, you get information about that item alone
%svn status -v                        #verbose options, shows status of every local file

%svn status -u -v                              #-u options means -update, it shows also show you if any files has newer version in repository than you local version. outdated version and changed files will need resolve

$svn diff                                #difference details of locally changes files
%svn diff --old <file0> --new <file1>        #like diff command, shows differences between two files

most common codes that svn status displays:
? item #The file, directory, or symbolic link item is not under version control.
A item #The file, directory, or symbolic link item has been scheduled for addition into the repository.
C item #The file item is in a state of conflict. That is, changes received from the server during an update overlap with local changes that you have in your working copy (and weren't resolved during the update). You must resolve this conflict before committing your changes to the repository.
D item #The file, directory, or symbolic link item has been scheduled for deletion from the repository.
M item #The contents of the file item have been modified.
! item               #Item is missing (e.g., you moved or deleted it without using svn). This also indicates that a directory is incomplete (a checkout or update was interrupted).

#Note: advanced ussage of patch command from svn1.7 a future topic to study.

Fix Your Mistakes

%svn revert <file>        #revert any changes you made to local copy of files
#Note: But note that svn revert can undo any scheduled operation—for example, you might decide that you don't want to add a new file after all

Resolve Any Conflicts


Commit Your Changes

%svn commit -m "Corrected number of cheese slices."

Examining History

%svn diff -r 3 rules.txt            #If a single --revision (-r) number is passed, your working copy is compared to the specified revision in the repository
%svn diff -r 2:3 rules.txt        #If two revision numbers, separated by a colon, are passed via --revision (-r), the two revisions are directly compared:
%svn diff -c 3 rules.txt            #A more convenient way of comparing one revision to the previous revision is to use the --change (-c) option:
%svn log <file>                        #history message of a file
%svn log -q <file>                    #-q quiet, only show file name
%svn diff --summarize -r42:41  #just pirnt the filenames that has changes between 2 commits

Checkout a Specific Version of files

svn checkout -r 100 [/path/to/workspace/folder]
svn checkout -r {2023-01-01} [/path/to/workspace/folder]

Sometimes You Just Need to Clean Up

#you can just delete the local working copy without the need to notify server
#before removing local working copy, remommend to run svn status just to make sure you dont have anything changes that you want to keep

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