Monday, January 11, 2021

Systemverilog Assertion Notes

refer to: Dulos SVA tutorial

 I) Immediate Assertions

Guideline: Avoid using immediate assertions

assert (A == B); // Asserts that A equals B; if not, an error is generated

assert (A == B) $display ("OK. A equals B");

assert (A == B) $display ("OK. A equals B"); else $error("It's gone wrong");

assert (A == B) else $error("It's gone wrong");

The failure of an assertion has a severity associated with it: $fatal, $error (the default severity) and $warning. In addition, the system task $info indicates that the assertion failure carries no specific severity. 

Igt10: assert (I > 10) else $warning("I is less than or equal to 10"); 

The pass and fail statements can be any legal SystemVerilog procedural statement.

AeqB: assert (a === b) else begin error_count++; $error("A should equal B"); end

II) Concurrent Assertions

Guideline: Use concurrent assertions

Guideline: Use long, descriptive labels to your assertions code, (a) documents the assertions, and (b) accelerates debugging using waveform displays.

Guideline: Use label names that start with "ERR" or "ERROR" and then include a short sentence to describe what is wrong if that assertion is failing.

Properties are built using sequences. For example, 

assert property (@(posedge Clock) Req |-> ##[1:2] Ack); 

where Req is a simple sequence (it’s just a boolean expression) and ##[1:2] Ack is a more complex sequence expression, meaning that Ack is true on the next clock, or on the one following (or both). |-> is the implication operator, so this assertion checks that whenever Req is asserted, Ack must be asserted on the next clock, or the following clock. 

Concurrent assertions like these are checked throughout simulation. They usually appear outside any initial or always blocks in modules, interfaces and programs. (Concurrent assertions may also be used as statements in initial or always blocks. A concurrent assertion in an initial block is only tested on the first clock tick.)

III) Implications

Guideline: Use |-> ##1 implications and not |=> implications.

|-> tests for a valid consequenct expression in the same cycle.

|=> tests for a valid consequenct expression in the next cycle.

IV) Properties and Sequences

Properties and Sequences In these examples we have been using, the properties being asserted are specified in the assert property statements themselves. Properties may also be declared separately, for example: 

property not_read_and_write; not (Read && Write); endproperty assert property (not_read_and_write); 

Complex properties are often built using sequences. Sequences, too, may be declared separately: 

sequence request Req; endsequence sequence acknowledge ##[1:2] Ack; endsequence property handshake; @(posedge Clock) request |-> acknowledge; endproperty assert property (handshake);

V) Assertion Clocking

The clock for a property can be specified in several ways: 

Explicitly specified in a sequence: 

sequence s; @(posedge clk) a ##1 b; endsequence property p; a |-> s; endproperty assert property (p); 

Explicitly specified in the property: 

property p; @(posedge clk) a ##1 b; endproperty assert property (p); 

Explicitly specified in the concurrent assertion: assert property (@(posedge clk) a ##1 b); 

Inferred from a procedural block: 

property p; a ##1 b; endproperty always @(posedge clk) assert property (p); 

From a clocking block (see the Clocking Blocks tutorial): 

clocking cb @(posedge clk); property p; a ##1 b; endproperty endclocking assert property (cb.p); 

From a default clock (see the Clocking Blocks tutorial): 

default clocking cb;

VI) Handling Asynchronous Resets 

In the following example, the disable iff clause allows an asynchronous reset to be specified. 

property p1; 

@(posedge clk) disable iff (Reset) not b ##1 c; 


assert property (p1); 

The not negates the result of the sequence following it. So, this assertion means that if Reset becomes true at any time during the evaluation of the sequence, then the attempt for p1 is a success. Otherwise, the sequence b ##1 c must never evaluate to true.

VII) Sequences 

A sequence is a list of boolean expressions in a linear order of increasing time. The sequence is true over time if the boolean expressions are true at the specific clock ticks. The expressions used in sequences are interpreted in the same way as the condition of a procedural ifstatement. Here are some simple examples of sequences. 

The ## operator delays execution by the specified number of clocking events, or clock cycles. 

a ##1 b               // a must be true on the current clock tick // and b on the next clock tick 

a ##N b               // Check b on the Nth clock tick after a 

a ##[1:4] b           // a must be true on the current clock tick and b // on some clock tick between the first and fourth // after the current clock tick 

The * operator is used to specify a consecutive repetition of the left-hand side operand

a ##1 b [*3] ##1 c    // Equiv. to a ##1 b ##1 b ##1 b ##1 c 

(a ##2 b) [*2]        // Equiv. to (a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b) 

(a ##2 b)[*1:3]       // Equiv. to (a ##2 b) // or (a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b) // or (a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b ##1 a ##2 b)

The $ operator can be used to extend a time window to a finite, but unbounded range. 

a ##1 b [*1:$] ##1 c  // E.g. a b b b b c 

The [-> or goto repetition operator specifies a non-consecutive sequence. 

a ##1 b[->1:3] ##1 c  // E.g. a !b b b !b !b b c 

This means a is followed by any number of clocks where c is false, and b is true between 1 and three times, the last time being the clock before c is true. 

The [= or non-consecutive repetition operator is similar to goto repetition, but the expression (b in this example) need not be true in the clock cycle before c is true. 

a ##1 b [=1:3] ##1 c // E.g. a !b b b !b !b b !b !b c

VIII) Combining Sequences 

There are several operators that can be used with sequences: 

The binary operator and is used when both operand expressions are expected to succeed, but the end times of the operand expressions can be different. The end time of the end operation is the end time of the sequence that terminates last. A sequence succeeds (i.e. is true over time) if the boolean expressions containing it are true at the specific clock ticks. 

s1 and s2       // Succeeds if s1 and s2 succeed. The end time is the // end time of the sequence that terminates last If s1 and s2 are sampled booleans and not sequences, the expression above succeeds if both s1 and s2 are evaluated to be true. 

The binary operator intersect is used when both operand expressions are expected to succeed, and the end times of the operand expressions must be the same. 

s1 intersect s2 // Succeeds if s1 and s2 succeed and if end time of s1 is // the same with the end time of s2 

The operator or is used when at least one of the two operand sequences is expected to match. The sequence matches whenever at least one of the operands is evaluated to true. 

s1 or s2        // Succeeds  whenever at least one of two operands s1 // and s2 is evaluated to true 

The first_match operator matches only the first match of possibly multiple matches for an evaluation attempt of a sequence expression. This allows all subsequent matches to be discarded from consideration. In this example: 

sequence fms; 

first_match(s1 ##[1:2] s2); 


whichever of the (s1 ##1 s2) and (s1 ##2 s2) matches first becomes the result of sequence fms. 

The throughout construct is an abbreviation for writing: 

(Expression) [*0:$] intersect SequenceExpr 

i.e. Expression throughout SequenceExpr means that Expression must evaluate true at every clock tick during the evaluation of SequenceExpr. 

The within construct is an abbreviation for writing: 

(1[*0:$] ##1 SeqExpr1 ##1 1[*0:$]) intersect SeqExpr2 

i.e. SequenceExpr1 within SequenceExpr2 means that SeqExpr1 must occur at least once entirely within SeqExpr2 (both start and end points of SeqExpr1 must be between the start and the end point of SeqExpr2).

IX) Variables in Sequences and Properties 

Variables can be used in sequences and properties. A common use for this occurs in pipelines: 

`define true 1 

property p_pipe; 

logic v; 

@(posedge clk) (`true,v=DataIn) ##5 (DataOut === v); 


In this example, the variable v is assigned the value of DataIn unconditionally on each clock. Five clocks later, DataOut is expected to equal the assigned value. Each invocation of the property (here there is one invocation on every clock) has its own copy of v. Notice the syntax: the assignment to v is separated from a sequence expression by a comma, and the sequence expression and variable assignment are enclosed in parentheses.

X) Coverage Statements 

In order to monitor sequences and other behavioural aspects of a design for functional coverage, cover property statements can be used. The syntax of these is the same as that of assert property. The simulator keeps a count of the number of times the property in the cover property statement holds or fails. This can be used to determine whether or not certain aspects of the designs functionality have been exercised. 

module Amod2(input bit clk); 

bit X, Y; 

sequence s1; @(posedge clk) X ##1 Y; endsequence 

CovLavel: cover property (s1); 



SystemVerilog also includes covergroup statements for specifying functional coverage. These are introduced in the Constrained-Random Verification Tutorial.

XI) Assertion System Functions 

SystemVerilog provides a number of system functions, which can be used in assertions. $rose, $fell and $stable indicate whether or not the value of an expression has changed between two adjacent clock ticks. For example, 

assert property (@(posedge clk) $rose(in) |=> detect); 

asserts that if in changes from 0 to 1 between one rising clock and the next, detect must be 1 on the following clock. This assertion, 

assert property (@(posedge clk) enable == 0 |=> $stable(data)); 

states that data shouldn’t change whilst enable is 0. 

The system function $past returns the value of an expression in a previous clock cycle. For example, 

assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff (reset) enable |=> q == $past(q+1)); 

states that q increments, provided reset is low and enable is high. Note that the argument to $past may be an expression, as shown above. 

The system functions $onehot and $onehot0 are used for checking one-hot encoded signals. $onehot(expr) returns true if exactly one bit of expr is high; $onehot0(expr) returns true if at most one bit of expr is high. 

assert property (@(posedge clk) $onehot(state)); 

There are other system functions.

XII) Binding

Guideline: bindfiles, use them!

Guideline: Use the bind command style that binds to all DUT modules, not the bind style that only binds to specified instances.

a) bind to all instances of a module

bind fifo1 fifo1_asserts p1 (.*);

b) bind to specific DUT instance with or without using the module name

Guideline: do not use these styles.

c) bindfiles for parameterized modles

d)bindfiles with .* port connections

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