Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Digital Design Verification Subsystem Lessons Learned

  1. make bus randomized during invalid cycle, to catch dut bugs that did not check valid signals. However, the constraint should still give 0 bus value a weight, so that 0 bus value can happen in invalid cycle, just in case that in real chip, the bus value is gated to 0 by upper layer module.
  2. bugs of features that cross two subsystems are difficult to catch. if a value generated in one module, and will be used in next module, it has a higher chance to have bug uncatched, as it needs correct model behavior as real hardware. solution: a) it's better to try to implement this in the same module, instead of split it into different modules, if possible. an example is the idle insertion/deletion to accommodate the AM (alignment marker) insertion/deletion in PCS. in this case, it's better to implement it in PCS instead of in MAC.
  3. bugs of features that related to performance AND cross two subsystems are extremely difficult to catch. possible solutions: a) in subsystem level, force to speed up counter value count, and increase pkt counts and so on, so that the possibility is increased. however, this needs very specific test scenarios; b) use hardware acceleration or e, e.g. Palladium or Synopsys ZeBu; c) chip top test to simulate the cross subsystem behaviors
  4. simplify architecture based on real application. sometimes, smart design means simple brutal force. this one needs the architects sensitivity to the industry use scenarios. I have two examples: a) initially we design our switch to have all kinds of protocols and features to both be legacy device compatible and also includes new features. this leads to overdesign and many bugs (insufficient man power and verification time). however, data center ethernet switch are more focused on feed and speed, it needs high throughput, less focused on protocols. end results, a lot of features are not used, a lot of hot new architectures (like SDN) are not used. this is big waste of resources. b) ...?
  5. Review every registers with DE in review meetings. Need to decide for every register: a) what is its meaning and actual use case (e.g. how does software guy config it, how does SA test it in real chip); b) can it be randomized in base test or should be tested in specific test; c) does it have some values that are often used by SA and Customer in real chip? weighted distribution?
  6. Review base config randomization constraints for base test. this is also related to 5) as some of the configs are registers. it needs designer and SA's input to confirm.
  7. simulation time vs packets number: Do Not trade packets number for simulation time. Meaning that do not try to save hardware resources. For verification, the first priority is function correctness, and the more packet number, the more possible that a bug will be hit. CPU resources are cheap, real chip bugs are expensive!
  8. random noise register/memory access during every test. But make sure that the noise and actually traffic can actually hit the same register/memory to trigger corner bugs.
  9. there should be 2 types of checker for a features if it cannot be accurately checked in every scenarios: a) a specific test that accurately check it's function; b) a general checker which is enabled in every testcase, and act as a sanity checker, in case there is some fundamental bugs in certain corner cases, which was not found in the a).
  10. choose the constraint range carefully, and choose the random value carefully. speed mode, pkt number, and the event happen time are all related, need to consider them when setting constraint or randomization range.
  11. have status and counters for monitors and controlling tb in cfg or virtual interface. for example, have counter count received pkt count, or have status variable to monitor dut is in transmiting or idle state, and so on.

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