Thursday, October 10, 2019

Systemverilog simulators related

performance profile

    profile in VCS by time or memory.
    #for memory profiling
        -simproile    //compile option
        -simprofile mem    //simulation option
    #for time profiling
        -simprofile    //compile options
        -simprofile time    //sim options
    the profile report will be store at compile directory named "profilereport"

    debug sim hang by using cpu usage report
    compile option: -linedebug
    simulation option: -profile
    at sim hang point, stop test by: Ctrl+c (1 time), then ncsim>exit
    check the ncprof.out file (cpu usage summary and source code location)


code coverage fefinition:
line/statement: will not cover module/end module/comments/time scale
block: begin...end, if...else, always
branch: case
conditional: if...else,  ternary operator (?:)

%vcs -cm line+tgl+branch source.v
%simv -cm branch

vcs urg (Unified Report Generator):
%urg -dir simv1.vdb [simv2.dir simv3.vdb ...] -metric line+cond+branch -report specified_ouput_dir    //general options
%urg ... -parallel -sub bsub -lsf ""    //run urg in parallel to speed up
%urg -elfile <filename>    //for exclusion files
%dve -covdir simv.vdb//view coverage db directly in DVE

Dump Waveform

1. Options
setenv FSDB_FORCE    //to display forced signals in highlight in waveform viewer
2. sdf
3. use do file to control fsdb dump.
%vcs -ucli -do PATH_OF_DO_FILE    //simulation options
below is a sample tcl do file:
####start of file###############
#control fsdb dump
set run_time_before_dump 0us
set dump_all 1
set run_time 400us
run $run_time_before_dump
set TOP eth_top_tb
fsdbDumpfile $TOP.fsdb
if (dump_all == 1) {
    fsdbDumpvars 3 $TOP
    fsdbDumpvars 0 $
    fsdbDumpMDA 1 $TOP...
} esel {
run $run_time
####end of file################
4.dump force information
simv +fsdb+force
5.dump glitch info
Before VCSMX/1509, 
simv +fsdb+sequential +fsdb+glitch=0 +fsdb+region
After VCSMX/1509, 
simv +fsdb+delta

Race Condition

+evalorder    //vcs sim option
                     //eval combinational group then behavioral group.
                     //reduce race, refer to vcs userguide

C Programming

Header Files and Includes